Bitachon Group Classes
with Dovid Hochberg
How to directly influence the way Hashem deals with you.
Listen / Download 2_5_25 ClassBitachon helps you live your life on a COMPLETELY different level.
Listen / Download 1_29_25 ClassThe hidden part of the Ein Od Milvado segula and how to use it with bitachon.
Listen / Download 1_22_25 ClassHow to expedite Hashem's salvation to your problem.
Listen / Download 1_15_25 ClassHow to see Hashem's light - Bitachon lessons from Chanukah
Listen / Download 1_1_25 ClassIf you want to really grow in your bitachon, DON'T say "It's all for the best."
Listen / Download 12_25_24 ClassHow to deal with the people in your life that can help you or hurt you.
Listen / Download 12_18_24 ClassDo you really believe that Hashem will help you out?
Listen / Download 12_12_24 ClassThe two clay diggers and the two lessons learned from them:
1. Your questions reflect your current level of bitachon
2. How being positive activates your real salvation
Listen / Download 12_4_24 ClassSometimes Hashem already sent your salvation and it's right under your nose!
Listen / Download 11_27_24 ClassDo you feel like Hashem abandoned you? Listen to this and discover the truth.
Listen / Download 11_20_24 ClassThe key to opening up the channels of shefa and beracha in your life.
Listen / Download 11_13_24 ClassBack to basics...
A discussion of the Chovos Halevavos's seven conditions of trust.
Listen / Download 11_6_24 ClassSometimes you want a break from working so hard on your bitachon. Listen to this.
Listen / Download 10_30_24 ClassHow to involve Hashem more in your life.
Listen / Download 10_15_24 ClassWhy it is so hard to rely on Hashem and what you can do about it.
Listen / Download 10_9_24 ClassDid you know you are Hashem's only child? Also, how to do teshuva in one second.
Listen / Download 10_1_24 ClassThe more you focus on your problems, the bigger they become. Think about this instead.
Listen / Download 9_25_24 ClassDon't tell yourself "Everything Hashem does is for the best." Here's why...
Listen / Download 9_18_24 ClassHow to bring Hashem's salvation directly to you.
Listen / Download 9_11_24 ClassDon't be afraid to rely on Hashem for luxuries.
Listen / Download 9_4_24 ClassThe bitachon approach to transform your fears into solutions for your problems.
Listen / Download 8_28_24 ClassThree strategies for keeping your bitachon strong when you are in a tough situation.
Listen / Download 8_21_24 ClassThe incredible combination of Hashem's limitlessness and love and what that means for you.
Listen / Download 8_14_24 ClassSome Insights into the age-old question of how to balance hishtadlus with bitachon.
Listen / Download 8_7_24 ClassHow to use a bitachon perspective to deal with any person in any situation.
Listen / Download 7_31_24 ClassHow to keep your bitachon strong when things feel completely out of control.
Listen / Download 7_24_24 ClassHashem can do ANYTHING!!!
Listen / Download 7_17_24 ClassCan you rely on Hashem if you do the wrong things?
Listen / Download 7_3_24 ClassHow to pass a bitachon test even when you think you failed.
Listen / Download 6_26_24 ClassHashem has been guiding your every step until this moment. Nothing you did is random.
Listen / Download 6_19_24 ClassWhy Hashem keeps sending you more and more tests and what you should do.
Listen / Download 6_5_24 ClassSome eye-opening perspectives and thoughts on bitachon.
Listen / Download 5_29_24 ClassWhat Gam Zu L'Tova really means and a beautiful thought from R' Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev.
Listen / Download 5_22_24 ClassThe sign that lets you know when your salvation will appear.
Listen / Download 5_8_24 ClassA deep-dive into the bitachon of Hillel and the secret to using it.
Listen / Download 5_1_24 ClassHow to use the darkness of the challenge itself to create your salvation.
Listen / Download 4_17_24 ClassThe reason why we have a difficult time trusting and relying on Hashem.
Listen / Download 4_10_24 ClassThe power of bitachon and some insights into balancing hishtadlus and bitachon.
Listen / Download 4_3_24 ClassRabbeinu Bachya's astounding comment that you chose all the circumstances of your life before you were born and how to use this insight.
Listen / Download 3_27_24 ClassDovid HaMelech praised Hashem even in the darkest times of his life and how we can do the same.
Listen / Download 3_20_24 ClassHow to align your emotions and logic so you do the correct amount of hishtadlus and an inspiring message from R' Tzadok from Lublin about never giving up.
Listen / Download 3_13_24 ClassDo you really believe that Hashem will answer you?
Listen / Download 3_6_24 ClassWhere is YOUR line of the hishtadlus and bitachon balance?
Listen / Download 2_28_24 ClassThe more you rely on Hashem, the more He will take care of you. Also, how to focus more on gratitude to Hashem.
Listen / Download 2_21_24 ClassSome insights into the best way to wait for Hashem's salvation.
Listen / Download 2_14_24 ClassHow to handle the feeling of not knowing IF Hashem will answer you and HOW will He answer you.
Listen / Download 2_7_24 ClassNot only does Hashem run the entire universe, but He handles every tiny detail of your needs, from the largest to the smallest. Trust Him.
Listen / Download 1_31_24 ClassHashem did all the miracles in Mitzrayim to teach us that He is actively involved in the entire world and controls all that happens in your life.
Listen / Download 1_24_24 ClassWhat is the purpose of hishtadlus? Also, a helpful perspective to have when you are struggling with something in your life.
Listen / Download 1_17_24 ClassThe reason Hashem makes us wait for his salvation and what we should do while we are waiting.
Listen / Download 1_10_24 ClassIf you had more miracles in your life, would that strengthen or weaken your bitachon?
Listen / Download 1_3_24 ClassThe key to being saved from your challenge is to focus on gratitude for the past and hope for the future. What are your "cedar trees?"
Listen / Download 12_27_23 ClassHow to deal with the difficult people and tough circumstances in your life.
Listen / Download 12_20_23 ClassWhen you rely on Hashem, the solution to your problem has ZERO to do with your circumstances.
Listen / Download 12_13_23 ClassBitachon is relying on Hashem's limitless chesed, not what you think you deserve. It is about Hashem, not about you.
Listen / Download 12_6_23 ClassHashem is REAL! How to feel this in your heart, not just understand it logically.
Listen / Download 11_29_23 ClassThe Chasam Sofer's secret to bringing your salvation quickly: Don't call out to Hashem in desperation!
Listen / Download 11_22_23 ClassThe greatest praise you can give Hashem is to hope for His salvation and KNOW it is coming. How do you do this?
Listen / Download 11_15_23 ClassTwo fascinating lessons in bitachon from Avraham Aveinu and the akeida. Also, the Ramchal's approach on the guaranteed way to hope for something from Hashem.
Listen / Download 11_8_23 ClassHashem has NO limits and can do anything for you!
Listen / Download 11_1_23 ClassOur understanding of cause and effect is completely backwards. Also, the power and protection of doing chesed for others.
Listen / Download 10_25_23 ClassHow to access Hashem's limitless power through bitachon and tefilla.
Listen / Download 10_18_23 ClassSince your fear actually causes your problem, how do you deal with your fear?
Listen / Download 10_11_23 ClassThe reason you need to be afraid before you can have bitachon.
Listen / Download 10_4_23 ClassWe sometimes get so caught up in the message that we forget The Messenger.
Listen / Download 9_27_23 ClassBitachon means relying on the kindness of Hashem and is not dependent on what you think you deserve.
Listen / Download 9_20_23 ClassWe decide how Hashem interacts with us.
Listen / Download 9_13_23 ClassHashem is already planning your salvation while you are still in the middle of your problem.
Listen / Download 9_6_23 ClassWhy you should only do ENJOYABLE hishtadlus: An hour long deep-dive into this concept.
Listen / Download Enjoyable Hishtadlus 8_30_23 Class"One who relies on Hashem is surrounded by chesed" - What this means and how it works.
Listen / Download 8_30_23 ClassIf you rely on Hashem, you WILL be answered! Some inspirational stories to give you chizuk.
Listen / Download 8_23_23 ClassWe love doing hishtadlus because we are more comfortable relying on ourselves than relying on Hashem. Here's how to change this.
Listen / Download 8_9_23 ClassSome miscellaneous thoughts on bitachon that will have a powerful impact on you.
Listen / Download 8_2_23 ClassHashem is your shadow and YOU control how Hashem interacts with you.
Listen / Download 7_26_23 ClassHow to stop yourself from interfering with Hashem's salvation.
Listen / Download 7_19_23 ClassA novel way to use bitachon during a challenge.
Listen / Download 7_12_23 Class"Blessed is the man who trusts in Hashem and Hashem is his trust." How to make Hashem your only trust. Also, a different perspective on hishtadlus.
Listen / Download 7_5_23 ClassWe don't fully believe that Hashem will help us and this interferes with our bitachon. How can we fix this problem?
Listen / Download 6_28_23 Class1. A discussion of the bitachon of Rabbi Akiva and Nochum Ish Gam Zu.
2. The Leshem's explanation of why righteous people suffer if bitachon always works.
3. Why does Hashem sometimes send you a salvation and then takes it away?
Listen / Download 6_21_23 ClassAnother deep-dive into analyzing our hishtadlus and bitachon balance.
Listen / Download 6_14_23 ClassYour bitachon can accomplish ANYTHING and is not impacted by whether or not you do the right or wrong things.
Listen / Download 6_7_23 ClassThe paradox and misconception we ALL have about hishtadlus and how hishtadlus actually works.
Listen / Download 5_31_23 Class1. Some lessons of bitachon from megilas Rus.
2. The Nefesh Hachaim's explanation of how Hashem interacts with us.
Listen / Download 5_24_23 ClassShould a wife rely on her husband or on Hashem? How does bitachon work in a marriage?
Listen / Download 5_17_23 ClassWhy does Hashem sometimes make us wait for our salvation and brings it only at the last minute?
Listen / Download 5_10_23 ClassA look into why we don't think Hashem will send us salvation and a deeper analysis of the Ramchal's powerful essay on Hope.
Listen / Download 5_3_23 ClassBitachon ALWAYS works but we don't fully believe it. Here's how to change this.
Listen / Download 4_26_23 ClassSometimes it is difficult to feel that Hashem loves us and how to change this perspective.
Listen / Download 4_19_23 ClassThe lessons of the Kad Ha'kemach on bitachon.
Listen / Download 3_29_23 Class1. Why should we trust Hashem?
2. How to make Hashem our Plan A.
3. The Kedushas Levi's secret to receiving more miracles in your life.
Listen / Download 3_22_23 Class1. "No one can hurt you and no one can help you." (Chovos Ha'Levavos) What does this mean?
2. How our fear of what will happen interferes with our bitachon.
3. Relying on Hashem means having no limits.
Listen / Download 3_15_23 ClassNot only does our hishtadlus NOT control the outcome, it can even make things worse sometimes. So what should proper hishtadlus look like?
Listen / Download 3_8_23 ClassHashem allows us to "control" how He interacts with us. Also, how to strengthen our bitachon when we feel Hashem let us down.
Listen / Download 3_1_23 ClassThe power of bitachon is stronger than ANY other power, even for a rasha.
Listen / Download 2_22_23 ClassHashem allows you to rely on whatever you are relying on. Here's how you can rely more on Hashem and receive more of His beracha.
Listen / Download 2_15_23 ClassHashem's salvation is not limited in ANY way. Also, some thoughts on why Hashem often makes us wait until the last minute before He sends salvation.
Listen / Download 2_8_23 ClassSome powerful bitachon thoughts we can learn from the Mon that fell in the desert.
Listen / Download 2_2_23 Class1. A discussion of the hishtadlus / bitachon balance.
2. The challenge of trying to control a situation and what to do about it.
3. Bitachon and prayer work differently and how you can maximize both.
Listen / Download 1_25_23 ClassWe always get in our way in the hishtadlus / bitachon balance. Here is Rav Shimshon Pincus's guideline for navigating this balance.
Listen / Download 1_18_23 ClassYou are ALWAYS relying on something, even if it isn't Hashem. Also, the Beis Halevi's profound idea that our understanding of cause and effect is completely backward.
Listen / Download 1_11_23 ClassIntroduction to the study of bitachon and its tremendous power.
Listen / Download 1_4_23 Class